The book is an
analysis that looks into how the present religious phenomena diverted the
believers attention from the biblical God to an human made sort of God.
This state of religious affairs has to be faced as a new move towards an
entirely new forms of religious atheism and spiritual indifference, because,
far from what happened in the classical atheism epoch, the present civilization
has just found out that no life can be possible in the world away from
God. According the author, this can be seen from two evidences: 1) Among
the suffering people/countries the religious piety, included the Christian
one, is directed towards a religious revival that brings into the faith's
center one "useful God", who serves men in their seeking for better life
in this world. Health, prosperity, exorcism, earthy happiness, emotional
balance... has become the real and all important evidences for any religious
conversion. 2) Among the well-off people, specially in those called developed
countries, the remaining religious piety is directed towards two distinct
"existential religious dimensions": the cultural christian life style and
the ancient western and eastern cults. Those whose faith grasps to beliefs
such as monotheism, creationism, hell, eternal life, christian revelation,
holy ghost... remain faithful to the historical western Christianity, making
their existence as practical christians and active church goers; the ones
whose religious attention is given to things such as the holiness of the
Earth, the inner spiritual constituency of human being... turned their
"religious piety" to things such as the old eastern masters and gurus orientation,
the human illumination, the spiritual bioenergization, etc. As a conclusion
the author holds that our is a religious civilization, of God's triumph
over the glories of Reason, of Secularization and those of Science. Nevertheless,
it is in name of this Religion that the contemporary men and women have
lost touch with the biblical God. To discover this God is the object of
what the author calls "a challenge for the authentic Christianity".
To know more about the book, or to order it, please write to the editor or the author addresses as bellow:
The Editor:
Editora Criação
Eusi Nunes Caldas
Rua Diógenes Nascimento das Neves, 165/803, bloco B
29055-540, Vitória-ES.
Fonefax ----(027) 222-2535
The Author:
Zakeu António Zengo
Seminário Teológico Batista do Sul do Brasil
Rua José Higino, 416 - Tijuca
20520-020, Rio de Janeiro, RJ.
Fax ----(021) 570-1833